Legal Disclaimer
This is a legal disclaimer. Please do not sue me.

Important Notice

I Do Not Provide Paid Trading Courses or Similar Products

If you receive an email allegedly from me offering such services, it is from a fake account. Please delete and report.

Investment Guidance and My Approach

I refrain from offering investment guidance. None of my writings or publications should be interpreted as such. I do not handle funds for others, nor do I have any intentions to do so. What I disseminate is research and educational content. Here are several reasons for this stance:

  • Foremost, I lack authorization from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) or any other relevant regulatory body to provide investment advice.
  • I strongly believe in the ethos of empowering individuals to make informed decisions. Instead of dictating specific investment choices like 'you should invest in company X instead of Y,' I prefer to impart principles that enable you to discern why company X might be a better investment than company Y.
  • The investment advisory sector, including the broader investment management industry, has been marred by excessive fees for underwhelming performance, coupled with instances of mis-selling. I aim to distance myself from such practices...

No Guarantees Provided

No guarantees are provided or implied for any systems, algorithms, methods, or code featured on this website or elsewhere. Trading and investing carry inherent risks, and you could potentially lose all your invested capital. Leveraged trading amplifies these risks, while derivatives trading poses significant hazards. Most traders incur losses, and if you lose money, it is your responsibility, not mine. While I believe that adhering to my advice might mitigate your risk, there are no assurances.

Disclosure of Holdings

I may hold long or short positions in securities discussed in my writings, which could either appreciate or depreciate in value based on the information I provide. I strive to disclose any positions at the time of publication, but given my active trading approach, my current portfolio may not always align with disclosures made. In essence, you should assume that I have a financial stake in any subject matter I discuss and maintain a healthy skepticism about my motives.

Intellectual Property and Proprietary Knowledge

I am unable and unwilling to divulge any proprietary information or insights acquired during my tenure with previous employers; contractual obligations prohibit such disclosure, even if the research is personally conducted. Anything presented here is either publicly available knowledge or the result of my independent research as a private individual. Kindly refrain from soliciting confidential information, as I cannot afford legal expenses associated with potential breaches. It's worth noting that success in the investment realm often hinges on disciplined application of relatively straightforward algorithms, rather than overly complex 'secret sauce' methodologies. Simpler algorithms typically yield better results through consistent execution.