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The Secret to Long-Term Success: A Fun Guide to Becoming a Great Entrepreneur

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    Ang Yi Shuan
Think long term for long term success.

Think long term for long term success.

Ever wondered how to become a top-notch entrepreneur or an industry innovator? Let me spill the beans: it's all about developing great habits. I know, I know, it sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry, but stick with me here.

So, picture this: you, a comfy chair, and a stack of business books, industry reports, or strategy guides. If you can commit to absorbing this knowledge every week for two years, you'll be swimming in entrepreneurial wisdom like Scrooge McDuck in his money bin. Trust me, it's a fantastic investment in your long-term success.

Now, let's get real. Spending your Saturday deep in market analysis instead of binge-watching the latest Netflix series? Yeah, there's no one around to give you a high-five or say, "Good job, champ!" And spoiler alert: you won't magically become better at running your business by Monday. The short-term rewards? Practically zilch. But in the long run? Pure gold.

The trick isn't willpower—because, let's face it, willpower is about as reliable as a chocolate teapot. The real magic happens when you make it a habit. Studying every week, working hard every week, and doing it consistently. Those are the secret ingredients to entrepreneurial success.

Creating something valuable takes time. It's like making a fine wine or growing a bonsai tree. Work hard every day, even when it feels like nothing's happening. Keep at it, don't give up, and most importantly, enjoy the process. Live your life by your own standards, not by comparing yourself to others. Aim to be a better you today than you were yesterday.

As the wise Mahatma Gandhi once said:

Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.

It all starts with one small belief, one small thought, one small word, one small action, one small habit, one small value. And that, my friends, makes one big destiny. A happy, healthy, and successful life follows the same route. One small step at a time.

So, the next time you're tempted to spend your weekend doing nothing, grab a business book, dive into a market analysis, or brainstorm your next big idea. Who knows? In two years, you might just thank yourself for it.